Saturday Lauds

Call to Prayer
O God, Open my ears.
And I shall hear your voice.

All praise to the Creator, to the Word Incarnate, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.

Psalm 66
May God show kindness and bless us, and make God’s face shine on us.
May God continue to bless us, and be revered by the whole wide world.

Canticle (Deut 32:1-12)
Listen, heavens, while I speak; hear, earth, the words that I shall say!

May my teaching fall like the rain, may my word drop down like the dew, like showers on the grass, like light rain on the turf!

For I shall proclaim the name of Yahweh. Oh, tell the greatness of You, our God!

You are the Rock, your work is perfect, for all your ways are equitable. A trustworthy God who does no Wrong and is Honest, the Upright One!

They have acted perversely, those you fathered without blemish, a deceitful and underhand brood.

Is this the return you make to Yahweh? O people brainless and unwise! Is this not your creator, who gave you being, who made you, by whom you subsist?

Think back on the days of old, think over the years, down the ages. Question your creator, let God explain to you, your elders, and let them tell you!

When the Most High gave the nations each their heritage, when Yahwah partitioned out the human race, God assigned the boundaries of nations according to the number of the children of God,

but Yahweh's portion was our people, Jacob was to be the measure of his inheritance.

In the desert God finds him, in the howling expanses of the wastelands. God protects him, rears him, guards him as the pupil of his eye.

Like an eagle watching its nest, hovering over its young, God spreads out wings to hold him, he supports him on his pinions.

Yahweh alone is our guide; no other god for us!

Morning Psalm

Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke this prophecy:

You, little child, you shall be called Prophet of the Most High, to give light to those who live in darkness and the shadow, dark as death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Christian Bible Reading

Meditation Timer

All praise to the Creator, to the Word Incarnate, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.